The Unexpected
Back in 2019, my life changed forever. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called ulcerative pancolitis, a chronic form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In short, my immune system overreacts to certain foods, causing inflammation, ulcers, and severe pain in my large intestine. Flare-ups bring intense discomfort, gas, and bloody stools—an experience that has been humbling, to say the least.
Those who have faced similar struggles know how life-altering chronic illness can be. But for me, ulcerative colitis (UC) became more than just a physical battle—it became the turning point that led me to true faith in God and ultimately, to the creation of this shop.
As I continued to work in retail, my gut continued to be more burdensome. Eventually, I was forced to quit my job. This was where By Grace Alone Design Co. began. We started as an Etsy shop selling clothing and wreaths. But eventually, I started focusing on the new mission; to spread the Gospel message one piece of clothing at a time.
From Complacency to Awakening
Before my diagnosis, I was coasting through life. I spent hours glued to video games, ignored my parents’ wisdom, ate junk food without a second thought, and took many blessings for granted. By all outward appearances, I was a "good Christian"—I made decent grades, avoided trouble, and never drank or cussed. But in reality, I was only a Christian in name. I believed in God, but I couldn’t explain why. I didn’t truly understand who Jesus was or why He had to die for our sins. Frankly, I didn’t care—until everything fell apart.
Struggling with my new reality, I sought spiritual answers. I tried reading the KJV Bible, but it felt like a foreign language. I never enjoyed reading, especially older English writing. One day at work, a coworker started throwing deep spiritual and moral questions at me. I couldn't answer them. All I knew was that I was Christian because my parents were. (Not a very good argument) So, from that point, I started to wrestle with doubts, wondering if I was even saved. That’s when someone introduced me to a Christian YouTuber, Melissa Dougherty. Her videos opened my eyes to the flaws in my understanding of God and Christianity. I realized that my view of Him was twisted and incomplete.
A Turning Point
During this time, my health continued to decline. Medication after medication, infusion after infusion, it all failed to help. I was lost, pleading with God for relief and forgiveness, yet feeling like my prayers hit a wall. The truth was, I hadn’t fully placed my trust in Christ.
Everything changed when I finally surrendered to Him. When I was saved by God's amazing grace, my heart began to transform. Life’s struggles didn’t disappear, but they became more bearable. I stopped wasting time on meaningless distractions, began breaking free from harmful habits, and started finding real answers to my deepest questions. Scripture, which once seemed incomprehensible, came alive with meaning. For the first time, I had a real relationship with God—I didn’t just know about Him, I knew Him.
Following Christ isn’t about perfection, success, or material gain. It’s about how we steward the life He has given us—whether we live for ourselves or for Him. And when we choose Him, everything else falls into place.
A Shop with a Purpose
I still battle UC daily, but with the right medication, life has become more manageable. Throughout my journey, God has been by my side, leading me to an incredible biblical church where I serve and have found true community. He’s given me deep friendships, personal growth, and the opportunity to start this shop. And He’s far from finished with me.
Like Paul, I have a “thorn in my side.” But rather than a burden, it serves as a constant reminder of my need for God. It’s also given me a unique opportunity to share the Gospel in ways I never could have imagined.
A Message for You
If you’ve read this far, I want to encourage you: trust in the Savior. Every one of us is a sinner in need of redemption. The Ten Commandments act as a mirror, revealing how far we fall short of God’s standard. Each time we sin, we hammer another nail into the hands and feet of Jesus on the cross. We’ve all earned God’s wrath a hundred times over. But in His love and mercy, He offers a way out.
Don’t just know about Jesus—know Him. Seek a real relationship with Him. Once you repent and place your faith in Christ, you’ll find the Way, the Truth, and the Life you’ve been searching for. His blood will wash you clean, and you’ll be born again with a heart that loves righteousness instead of sin. Because He rose from the grave, He offers eternal life as a free gift to those who believe.
If you haven’t fully surrendered your life to the Lord, please don’t wait. None of us are promised tomorrow. Following Christ won’t grant you every worldly desire—He’s not a genie—but I can promise you, it is so worth it.
May God give you wisdom, and may this shop be a reminder that His grace is woven through every story—even yours.